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Prayer from Gil Harvie

Heavenly Father, we are glad to have this opportunity to worship you, and we are thankful that we can do so in safety and without fear. We have come to worship and praise you, because you are the one true god, the creator and sustainer of all things. You have created everything, from the vastness of the Universe with its distances that most of us find hard to imagine, down to the tiniest of the sub-atomic particles.

When we try to think about all that you have done, we realise that your power, wisdom and might are far beyond the limits of our human minds.

Gracious God, you know that in spite of all our promises, and our best intentions, too often we fail to follow in your ways. We do not always put you first in our lives, and on occasion we even lack the courage to admit to being Christians.

In all his dealings, and in his teaching, Jesus clearly told us how we should treat other people, but we confess that we do not always heed his word or follow his example. We allow minor disagreements to grow into bigger arguments, and we are reluctant to forgive others when we feel that they are at fault. We find it hard to admit that we are sometimes in the wrong, and that we are the ones who should be asking others to forgive us.

Merciful God, we have come to seek your forgiveness. Forgive us for our stubborn and foolish behaviour. Help us to learn to forgive others, so that we may actively seek to improve our relationships with all people everywhere. Remind us that everyone is our neighbour.

May we have the strength and courage to show through our words and actions, that we are true followers of Jesus.

We thank you for your continuing care for all creation, and especially for your care and concern for us There is no limit to your generosity, and our thanks can never be enough for all that you do for us.

Lord, you have sent your Spirit to help and support us in many ways, and often your help and support comes through the words and actions of other people. Not only from family and friends, but also from strangers. We thank you for putting all these people into our lives, and we ask that you will bless and strengthen them. Help us to remember also that you have put us into the lives of others, and so guide us, and give us the courage, to do our part, to help and support them whenever we can.

Gracious God, we especially thank you that you care for us so much that you sent Jesus into our world to be its light. By his teaching and example Jesus showed us that you are loving, caring, compassionate and forgiving, and by his death on the cross he showed that there is no limit to that love.

We thank you that you are willing to listen to us, to forgive us for all our shortcomings, and to let us have a fresh start.

Heavenly Father, the world seems to be full of difficulties and disasters with reports of conflicts, wars, and civil unrest. We also see, and hear, about the effects of the recent severe weather, and the spread of the Covid-19 virus. We remember too, that there are folk who have suffered bereavement, or who are worried about their health, the health of a family member, or of a friend. Some are lonely and lack contact with other people, while others have worries over employment, and many have financial difficulties.

Compassionate God, send your Spirit to bring comfort to all those in need or difficulty, and may we be willing to be your hands on earth; to do our bit to help and support them.


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