Where do we go from here?
Where do we go from here? 2 Samuel 12:1-15. Matthew 21: 33-46. 20/1/19 I reckon that at just about this time of year we get the most...
Understanding God's Word
Let us ask God for help to understand his word. Gracious God, when we read your word we do not always grasp its real meaning. In Jesus’...
The Difference between God and man
The Difference between God and man John 3: 22-36 Hebrews 1: 1-4 13/1/19 I know it is a very old joke but... What is the difference...
Malachi the Grouch
Malachi the Grouch Malachi 4: 1-6. Luke 1: 5-17 16/12/18 Malachi is a tough book. It is a tough book because it is so real. People have...
Moving Towards God
Moving towards God Numbers 21: 4-9. John 3: 1-15. 25/11/18 Have you been listening to the phone-ins on Brexit recently? There is one...
What do we do with our whinging?
Numbers 11: 1-35. There is a lot of whinging in this passage. Everyone seems to be complaining. It starts off with the people complaining...
When we want a good moan
When we want a good moan Numbers 14: 1-10 & 11-19. 4/11/18 Just out of interest...how many of you have read the book of Numbers in the...
Joseph the Success
Joseph the success Genesis 39: 6-23 & 41: 17-57. I can remember one of the first jokes that Rev. George Sherry told me. A priest and a...
Dreams and dysfunctions.
Dreams and dysfunctions. Genesis ch37 v2b – 36. Part 1 Dreams. By the time Joseph was born into a family of ten brothers and several...
Prayer from Gil Harvie
Great and magnificent God, we are in awe of you. You are so all-encompassing that we can never fully understand the breadth and depth of...