Sunday Service 23rd October - Harvest
Who are we praying to? Harvest 23/10/22 Welcome Hymn 226: God, whose farm is all creation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgv3wP1LsuM...

Sunday Service 6th October
Call to worship What does the Lord require of you? To do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God. What does God...

Sunday Sermon 9th October-Baptism of Leah Bridget Blair
Baptism of Leah Bridget Blair Daughter of Iain and Cairy 9/10/22 Welcome Hymn 631: A little child the Saviour came...

Sunday Sermon October 2nd
Today’s reading is from the New Testament section of the Bible, Luke’s Gospel, Chapter 17, and verses 1 to 10. In this passage, Jesus...