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This Week's News

Bringing the Church to You


If you are unable to come to our Sunday service you can still connect with the Church in many ways.


  • Read our news (below)








Next week’s service will be based on the readings; 

Hebrews 4:1-11, Matthew 11:28-29


The Church will be open for private prayer on Thursdays between 10.30am and 12.00 noon.


The March quiz, ‘How Well Do You Know Your Body?', is now available at the IT desk. The closing date is Sunday 30th March 2025 and entry is still £1 with donations going to ‘Alva Food Larder’.


One of our past probationers, Michelle McAdoo, will be inducted into the charge of Trinity, Montrose on 10th April.  According to Google Maps this journey takes about 2 hours so we would be leaving the church about 4.30pm and returning about 11pm.

There will be a sheet at the front for those wishing to go, if you are willing to take your car please put in brackets (car) beside your name with the number of seats available for you to take.


We are seeking a volunteer for the role of Grant Coordinator. We have been very successful in obtaining grants in the past couple of years receiving many thousands of pounds, but this has helped us realise just how many opportunities there are out there!

We are looking for someone who can keep an eye open for the opportunities and develop a template application form that can be adapted to individual grant opportunities. Basic IT skills required. If you think you could help with this, or would like to chat to get more information, please let the Session Clerk know. This is open to any congregational member. Please help if you can.


The craft group will meet on Thursday 27th March from 1 - 3pm in the small hall.


The latest issue of the Alvanac is now online.

Read here

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Alva Food Larder is always looking for donations of jars and tinned products. They are experiencing their highest number of visitors to date with an astounding surge following the school holidays

Please consider picking up some of the following items.


  • Meat (Corned Beef/Ham/Tuna)

  • Meals (Stew/Macaroni/Meatballs)

  • Custard

  • Fruit  

  • Long Life Milk


Financial donations are greatly appreciated and should be made out to Alva Parish Church on behalf of Alva food Larder.

If you could consider a regular donation you can set up a direct debit. This can help to provide the critical ongoing support for those who need it most.
contact for more information

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